Evacuation Drill starts now.
about 7 years ago, Laura Bullock
Science Fair Projects MUST be set up on Monday, Feb. 5th from 3:30-5:30. NO projects will be accepted on Tuesday. We are looking forward to seeing our IMS scientists’ observations.
about 7 years ago, Laura Bullock
IMS will have an evacuation drill this Wednesday. All students will go to the field house. Parents should enter through the north gate (gym) to pick students up in the rear of the building.
about 7 years ago, Richard Logan
Basketball teams will leave at 4:15 today to go play Broken Bow. Go Warriors!
about 7 years ago, Richard Logan
Here we come Ron Clark!
about 7 years ago, Laura Bullock
Today's scheduled evacuation drill has been postponed until further notice.
about 7 years ago, Richard Logan
IMS stdents celebrate National School Choice Week
about 7 years ago, Laura Bullock
IMS will do an emergency evacuation drill next Wednesday. Students/staff will go to the field house during the evacuation
about 7 years ago, Richard Logan
IMS 7th Boys 30 BB 27 Great Win! Go Warriors!
about 7 years ago, Laura Bullock
IMS Warriors playing basketball against Broken Bow tonight at 5 p.m. Come out to IMS and support our Warriors!
about 7 years ago, Richard Logan
Come out and see our 8th Grade boys take on Texarkana TX at 9am this morning at the High School.
about 7 years ago, Richard Logan
IMS students enjoying 7th/8th Tournament
about 7 years ago, Laura Bullock
IMS Boys Tournament is underway. Concession stand will have popcorn, nachos, hot dogs, candy and pulled potk sandwiches.
about 7 years ago, Laura Bullock
Thanks to IMS Student Council for a great dance!
about 7 years ago, Laura Bullock
Idabel Middle School beauties....at least they said they were!
about 7 years ago, Richard Logan
IMS students at the winter dance tonight.
about 7 years ago, Richard Logan
Do you know this snowman? Come join him at the IMS Winter Dance tonight 6-8. Admission is $7.00 st the door!
about 7 years ago, Laura Bullock
IMS students participate in KTC tours.
about 7 years ago, Cindy Bryant
IMS Winter Dance is tomorrow, Jan. 11 from 6-8:00PM. $5 in advance, $7 at the door. Dress code applies, this is not a formal.
about 7 years ago, Laura Bullock
IMS Boys 7&8 Basketball Tournament is Jan 12 & 13 (Friday/Saturday). The Tournament is packed with some strong teams. Come support IMS.
about 7 years ago, Richard Logan