IMS pre-enrollment will be May 3 at 6:30 PM for 2018-19 school year.

IMS will be hosting a shot clinic on April 25 for students.

IMS Band and Choir Concert is May 1st at 7:00 PM

IMS Spring Dance has been rescheduled for April 26 from 6:00-8:00.

IMS will be in school Monday. We are back on our regular schedule.
Have a great Easter.

Parents please be aware- if you are taking your student to the State playoff they must finish thier benchmark test in marh and reading before they leave.

IMS will be helping to give Basketball a send off in front of MS at 11:00

Jonathan Wharry performing Peace Like A River

Minister Wright speaking to IMS students about history.

Pastor Cooper performing at IMS Black History Program

Markayla Townsend singing

IMS Black History Program

IMS received notification of rumors of a threat at school. IPS is taking precautions to ensure student safety. All staff are on alert and authorities have been notified. All appears clear at this time.

IMS Parent/Teacher conferences are happening NOW. Please JOIN US to promote student success.

We have a guest today. If this is your puppy, please call IMS 286-6558

Parent Teacher Conference for IMS will be Thursday from 3:00-9:00PM. We look forward to seeing you.

IMS Parent/Teacher conferences will be Thursday, Feb. 15, from 3 - 9 p.m.

IMS Time Trekkers Book Club has a new book. They study historical fiction and plan to travel to many of the sites studied.

The basketball teams will be leaving at 2:30 to travel to Nashville Ark for our final game. Go Warriors!

Great job on IMS evacuation drill!
Thanks to everyone!