The IMS Winter Dance has been rescheduled for Thursday, Jan. 11th from 6-8 p.m.

IMS Winter Dance January 4th, 6:00-8:00PM

Students return January 4th.

Have a Safe and Happy New Year!
Looking forward to seeing students in 2018!!

IMS students reading to Mrs. Bullock’s K class.

IMS students reading to Mrs. Ratcliff’s K class.

IMS SPELLING BEE. CHAMPION AND ALTERNATE: Lauren Robbins and Desiree Carrillo

IMS Makerspace is busy today.

The 7/8/9 boys basketball teams will be at Hugo Middle school this evening. First game is at 5:00 p.m.

Begining Band at Chritmas concert

Go Show Choir

IMS show choir sounding awesome at thr Christmas concert! Go Warriors.

IMS Band and Choir Concert tonight at 7:00 PM.

Parade preparations at IMS.

Science Fair Research Paper are due tomorrow, Nov. 17

IMS will be in school tomorrow and attendance will be taken. Looking forward to seeing students tomorrow.

The 8th grade basketball teams will be leaving today at 2:30 p.m. for the second round of the Antlers Tournament.

Research papers are due Nov. 17

IMS 8th grade boys win 48 to 38.
IMS 8th grade girls win 40 to 13

Good luck to our IMS boys and girls 8th Grade basketball teams today. They will leave the school at 11:30 today.