The school supply list for IMS #imswarriors, #ipswarriors
over 4 years ago, Laura Bullock
Supply List
#ipswarriors releases information on the re-entry of Idabel School District. This graphic explains the highlights for day to day operations for Idabel students. #preparingchampions #nextlevel #GOWARRIORS!
over 4 years ago, Doug Brown
Day to Day SREP 21
#ipswarriors releases information on the re-entry of Idabel School District. This graphic explains the highlights for bus transportation for Idabel students.
over 4 years ago, Doug Brown
#imswarriors, #ipswarriors
over 4 years ago, Laura Bullock
#imswarriors, #ipswarriors
almost 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
Enrollment update
Don’t wait! Electives are on a first come, first serve basis. Enroll now to get your choices. #imswarriors, #ipswarriors
almost 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
🎊 Congratulations Idabel Middle School Cheerleaders 2020-2021 Captain:Russia Smith Co Captain: Paris Moore Whitney Wade , Yuriana Alvarado , Cheyenne Cherry , Paris Moore , Kenya Golston , Audrey Rasha , Za’Mariah Morris , Kaydance Mckinney ,Russia Smith , Mya Murray , Kaliyah Golston, Sherlyn Federico #imswarriors,#ipswarriors
almost 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
2020-21 IMS Cheerleaders
Time to Enroll
almost 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
Reminder- Cheer Parent Meeting
almost 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
Cheer mtg
# imswarriors, #ipswarriors
almost 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
Cheer Tryouts
IT’S TIME! Pre-Enrollment starts today. Go to and complete your form. Be sure to choose your top 4 electives. Looking forward to seeing you soon!!!
almost 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
#ipswarriors please check out the Summer Meal Drop Off locations. These are different than the routes during the school buildings shutdown period. #nextlevel #preparingchampions #GOWARRIORS
almost 5 years ago, Doug Brown
SSO Meal Drop Off locations 2020
Handing out report cards and awards
almost 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
Report cards
IMS teachers are out meeting students and people who are turning in materials. #imswarriors, #ipswarriors
almost 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
Join the Premiere of the Idabel Middle School 8th grade class of 2020 slide show on May 8th @ 7:00 PM! #imswarriors #ipswarriors
almost 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
Thank you teachers! #nextlevel #preparingchampions #gowarriors
almost 5 years ago, Doug Brown
Teacher appreciation 2020
#ipswarriors Grab & Go Menu May 4th - 8th
almost 5 years ago, Doug Brown
Menu may 4 2020
Spider-Man, Thor, Black Panther and Shuri, Captain America, and Batman will join our Idabel Policemen and Firemen to hand out free meals and free books at Central Elementary from 9-12 on Thursday. Come meet our superhero’s. #nextlevel #preparingchampions #GOWARRIORS
almost 5 years ago, Doug Brown
Superhero 2020
IMS End of Year Drop-off/Pickup May 5-8th grade -8-12:00 May 6th -7th grade /8-12:00 May 7th- 6th grade- 8-12:00 Please stay in your car 🚘 Pull up to each station for assistance 1) Drop off Chromebooks, chargers,Mifi 2) Drop off Library books, Textbooks 📚 3) Pick up Report Cards, Awards 🥇 Thank you for your assistance! Please stay safe!
almost 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
End of Year Drop-off Map