A Great First Day at IMS! #imswarriors, #ipswarriors

IMS Bell Schedule for 2020-21. Remember to sign in with your class during the schedule hour/period.

If you are having any difficulty logging in virtually please contact your student’s teacher or call the school office 580-286-6558.

Idabel Public Schools is looking for a Pre-K teacher for Idabel Primary South to start immediately. Come be a part of an exciting “Next Level” team Preparing Champions for Life! Contact Principal Terri Bastible 580-286-4400

We are all a little nervous about the beginning of school at #imswarrior this year, but just remember...

Let’s Celebrate Back to School!!!

❤🖤6th grade IMS Cheer Mascot Tryouts Friday August 21@1pm @ Idabel Middle School
Wear: Red T-shirt, Black Shorts & mask
Requirements: Advance tumbler, stunter, and dancer, MUST BE LOUD & HAVE SPIRIT!!!
Judged on:
Mascot must create a cheer/stomp with Warriors in it for the tryouts. Be prepared to jump & tumble

Parent Teacher Conference

IMS Football Players will meet today 17th between 4-5 pm at the stadium locker room. Players will get equipment and paperwork. If you have any questions contact me.

IMS teachers are learning new skills and programs to help with with distance learning. Thanks Alpha Plus for the training.
#ipswarriors, #imswarriors

Thanks to all of the 8th grade parents and students who came to pick up devices today. We had a great turn out.
7th grade is tomorrow. 6th grade is next week.
Teachers are making appointments for orientation next week. Be sure to get your time scheduled.

7th grade students may pick up their devices and schedules tomorrow from 8:00-3:00.
#imswarriors, #ipswarriors

8th Graders: Come pick up your Chromebook and schedule at IMS today!

Reminder- EIGHTH Graders can pick up devices and schedules tomorrow. We are excited to see you!

ARE YOR READY TO SHOW YOUR WARRIOR PRIDE? #imswarriors, #ipswarriors

The IMS Library is now complete with our new circulation desk. We are looking forward to having our students on campus to check out books. See you soon.
#ipswarriors, #imswarriors

Letters to Parents are being mailed are being mailed today. Be sure to check your mailbox tomorrow. #ipswarriors, #imswarriors

Mr. Gulley’s working hard to make sure everything is ready for our students return. He is pressure washing the courtyard today.
Please thank him when you return.
#imswarriors, #ipswarriors,

First Day back for Mrs. Parnell! She was happy to assist UPS with new books. #imswarriors, #ipswarriors, #read

#Imswarriors, #ipswarriors Trying to do what is right for our students.