Due to expected worsening road conditions, tomorrow Feb. 1st will be a virtual learning day. ALL assignments must be completed by midnight and students must check in with each teacher before 3:00 pm on Wednesday to be counted present. #ipswarriors #preparingchampions #GOWARRIORS

Virtual Day February 1, 2023

Get ready to see what your child is learning. Come join us for Parent/Teacher Conference.

Mark your calendar - IMS Events

Mr. Willis presenting at Faculty Meeting.#imswarriors #preparingchampions

IMS continued learning - Mrs. Hastings, Mr. Watson, Mrs. Gammon, Mr. Threadgill, and Mr. Willis presented on The Student Pulse (looking at teaching/learning from students’ perspective).
Great ideas for building relationships.
#imswarriors #preparingchampions #nextlevel

Yesterday the IMS After- School Program attended the Idabel Public Library's activity day. They really enjoyed playing the "Family Feud" style game.

Valentine’s is Coming!

IMS Teachers are continually learning about best practices for teaching. Today Mandy Steaveson, Callie Threadgill, Larry McDowell, and Stephanie Armstrong presented information on The Brain and How Students Process Information.
#preparingchampions #imswarriors

IMS Cheer Clinic began today. The students are working hard to learn cheers and routines.
#imswarriors # ipswarriors

Warrior Archery at the Shady Point Tournament, our results are available now but final tournament scores will not be available until tomorrow evening. Results can be found at nasptournaments.org
#imswarriors #ipswarrors

It’s time to order your Valentines 💌
Please place your order early. Come by the IMS office.
#imswarriors ipswarriors

IMS Winter Dance
Students are having fun!

Congratulations to the 7th grade #imswarriors who won first place at the
Pairs North Lamar Tournament today.
Great job guys! #GOWARRIoRS #ipswarriors

Congratulations to these #imswarriors singing today with the 2023 #OkCDA All-State Jr. High Treble and Mixed Choruses. #ipswarriors #preparingchampions #GOWARRIORS

No school Monday to observe MLK Day.

IMS Science Fair was judged today. The students had interesting projects. The results are:
1st Place- Khloe Impson
2nd Place- Elijah Byassee
3rd Place - Sadie Allen
Lakyn Brown
Mariyah Dever
Jamari Threadgill

Our After School Students completed a much needed cleanup of trash on the practice field. Your community service is appreciated!!!
#imswarriors #ipswarriors

Warrior Archery stopped at Three Sticks for a scenic view and picked up a bag of trash while there.
#imswarriors #preparingchampions #ipswarriors

#imswarriors are beginning their rounds at the Cameron Archery Tournament.