Parent/ Teacher Conference

We look forward to seeing you!
#imswarriors #ipswarriors

Be open to learning.

The first sign of spring in the IMS Courtyard.
#imswarriors #spring

Congratulations to the Boys Powerlifting Team.
Warriors came away with 2 1st place finishes, 2 2nd place finishes and 2 3rd place finishes in Panama.
#imswarriors #ipswarriors

We ❤️ our counselor!

#imswarriors are competing in Panama today. #GoWarriors

Idabel Middle School working with Idabel high school on daily announcements for the future of IMS media
#imswarriors #ipswarriors

It's time to run! Track Season Schedule

Kasey Phillips,Madelyn Lehr, Christina Easter, and Sara Tomlinson presented professional development on The Lead Learner. How we continue to learn so we are modeling for our students.
#imswarriors #lifelonglearners

This is so true! #readforfun

Be sure to sign up for the Summer EBT program.

Help Keep Idabel Clean.

Keep informed of events. Be sure to share our posts.

Girl Power!!!
#imswarrios #ipswarriors #GoWarriors

See you at school!

Good morning Warriors! We are happy to announce all Idabel schools will be in session today on our normal schedule. Our transportation personnel have verified that road conditions are safe and the temperature is above freezing. Let's have a great day! #IPSWarriors #GOWARRIORS

Happy Black History Month

No ABC today or tomorrow.

Great lunch at IMS today!