Idabel Teacher of the Year - Bethany Farley ❤️🖤❤️🖤 Congratulations! 🎉🎈
12 months ago, Laura Bullock
Congratulations to the nominees for the Idabel Public School Teacher of the Year! Go Warriors! ❤️🖤❤️🖤
12 months ago, Laura Bullock
Congratulations to Diane Wake the Idabel Friend of Education! This lady is an Idabel Warrior for life! She is so thoughtful and makes time to uplift students, teachers, administrators, and Idabel Public Schools. She deserves this recognition! GO WARRIORS! ❤️🖤❤️🖤
12 months ago, Laura Bullock
We ❤️ our community partners!
12 months ago, Laura Bullock
It's Solar Eclipse Time!
12 months ago, Laura Bullock
Congratulations to Mr. Larry McDowell the IMS Teacher of the Year! He is an outstanding teacher and advocate for students and our school. Please join IMS in congratulating him.
12 months ago, Laura Bullock
Shot clinic for students needing TDAP.
12 months ago, Laura Bullock
Summer School Enrollment is OPEN!
12 months ago, Laura Bullock
IMS Track Meet Order of Events
12 months ago, Laura Bullock
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR THE IMS TRACK MEET. All IMS students will attend the track meet. Students will be bused to the Skiippy Smith track and remain at the track during the school day with sack lunches being served. Any student spectators who do not come with IMS will pay an entry fee of $5.00 and must be with a parent. These students will be expected to remain with their parents in the stadium. Students will be dismissed at 3:00 PM FROM THE HIGH SCHOOL. Bus students will ride their regular bus home. They will be picked up in the high school parking lot next to the baseball field. Students who usually walk home from IMS will be bused back to IMS and be released to walk home. These students should ride Mr. Gulley's bus Car riders will be picked up in front of the high school by the office area. Please be careful around the high school parking lot. There will be lots o of traffic and we want everyone to be safe as they arrive and leave the track meet. A BIG THANK YOU to the IMS faculty and staff, Coach Pratt, Coach Harjo, Coach Steaveson, and Coach Willis. for helping prepare our students and the stadium for this event. WE HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE TO CHEER ON THE IMS WARRIORS!
12 months ago, Laura Bullock
Our IMS Track Day is next week. All IMS staff and students will be at Warrior Stadium / Skippy Smith Track for the day with dismissal being at the high school. We will post more information along with sending home a flyer on Friday.
12 months ago, Laura Bullock
No School during the Solar Eclipse. Students will be given solar eclipse glasses on Thursday, April 4, and instructions for eye safety.
12 months ago, Laura Bullock
Kylie Butler won the Choctaw Electric Energy Camp Essay Contest. It is an all expense paid camp on May 28th-31st. They learn about electricity, energy, and learn leadership skills. She was 1 of 3 8th grade students selected between 3 counties in the Choctaw Electric service area.
12 months ago, Laura Bullock
Parents and students please take a moment to check for your school issued calculators. Students use them daily and they are an important tool for State Testing. Blue calculators are $10, Yellow and Gray calculators are $21. ❤️🖤
12 months ago, Laura Bullock
The STEM class created tetrahedron kites. Students learned math and science skills while constructing their kites. The kits will be on display in the IMS lobby until April. Students will then fly them. We will post those photos on Flight Day.
about 1 year ago, Laura Bullock
🍀Good Luck 🍀 to the IMS students representing us at the Country Curriculum Contest today. Go Warriors! ❤️🖤
about 1 year ago, Laura Bullock
iMS won 1st as a team at the Poteau Junior High Golf Tournament. Kylie Butler and Khloe Impson tied for 2nd place. GO WARRIORS! ❤️🖤🎉
about 1 year ago, Laura Bullock
There will be a parade through downtown Idabel for the Class 3A State Champion Lady Warriors on Wednesday March 13th at 1:30pm. Come show your support for our Lady Warriors and line the streets of Idabel with Warrior Pride!
about 1 year ago, John Harjo
Join us for an ABC Family Night to be held at Central Elementary,
about 1 year ago, Laura Bullock
Dear Idabel Public Schools Community, I hope this message finds you well and filled with excitement as we continue to witness the incredible journey of our Idabel Lady Warriors in the Oklahoma state basketball tournament. Last night, our Lady Warriors achieved a remarkable victory in the semi-final championship game, showcasing their talent, resilience, and determination. Their hard work and dedication have brought them to the pinnacle of success, and we couldn't be prouder of their accomplishments. As we celebrate this momentous win, I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to our extraordinary athletes, coaches, and everyone who has supported the team along the way. Your unwavering dedication and teamwork have been truly inspiring, and you have made the entire Idabel community proud. Now, as our Lady Warriors prepare for the ultimate challenge, the state championship game, I urge all members of the Idabel Public Schools community to come together once again in full force to show our support and encouragement. Tonight, at 6:45, our team will be competing in the state championship game at the state fairgrounds in Oklahoma City. This is a momentous occasion, and your presence in the stands can make all the difference. Let's rally behind our Lady Warriors as they strive for victory and bring home the state championship title. Your cheers, your energy, and your enthusiasm will be instrumental in motivating our team to give their best performance on the court. I encourage all community members, families, friends, alumni, and supporters to join us in OKC tonight to witness history in the making and to celebrate the remarkable achievements of our Lady Warriors. Together, let's create an unforgettable atmosphere of unity, pride, and Warrior spirit. Go Lady Warriors! Let's bring home the “Gold Ball!” Go Warriors! Dr. Alan Bryant Superintendent
about 1 year ago, Alan Bryant