Cindy Bryant wins two autographed books from Debbie Silver the keynote speaker at the ILI conference.

Football game has been canceled tonight due to bad weather.

IMS is happy to have author, Lois Ruby presenting to Central and Middle School students. Mrs. Ruby’s tour is being sponsored by the Southeastern Public Library System of Oklahoma.

ABC Program photos. See the news post for more details

ABC after school enrollment forms are going home today. Please return by Friday. The program begins Monday.

National Junior Honor Society induction ceremony will be Tuesday,September 18th at 7:00

Progress Reports go home TODAY!
This group looks happy 😃

Visited with Joy Hofmeister while at a workshop in Tulsa.

IMS Football will be leaving at 2:30 P.M. tomorrow to travel to Durant. Game starts at 5:00 P.M. at the Durant Jr. High Field. Go Warriors!

Congratulations to IMS softball on their win today, 7 to 1 over Forest Grove,

Softball game at 4:00
Football game 🏈 at 5:00

Reminder to pay the $40 Usage Fee for Chromebook.

Tomorrow is picture day!😀🤪

‘Merica Monday

Good advice for youth from Warren Buffet

It’s America Day for Spirit Week

IMS Lady Warriors won both games yesterday in the Wright City Classic. They will take on Rattan today at 5:00.
Go Warriors!

IMS Lady Warriors play today at 12:15 in the Valliant Tournament. GO WARRIORS!

IMS receives a $100 gift card from the Lions Club.

IMS Orientation is tonight 5:00-8:00.
See you at 5:00