Humor, we love it!

IMS Talent Show is underway!

Please note the Spring Talent Show time has been moved to April 25th, 9:00-11:00AM. Admission is $2.00

IMS Faculty professional development with K20 Center- Google Classroom

All 7th grade students need to turn in your permission slips for the Gear Up College tour. The trip is scheduled for Friday to Carl Albert Jr. College. We are looking forward to a great day!


Producer S Norris

Red carpet ladies.

Celebrities continue to arrive!

More celebrities!


Looking good at IMS dance.

The celebrities are arriving!

IMS Dance is tonight from 6:00-8:00.
Dress Code applies.
Come walk the Red Carpet!

State Math test will be Tuesday, April 16th. These students are prepared. Go IMS!

IMS students are playing baseball ⚾️ for their ABC activity today!

Parents please review Dress Code with your child. We do not want to have to call you regarding this issue. Our student handbook is available on the school website.

A big shout out to Tommy Lewis for using 2 days of spring break to attend the Student-Centered Opportunities for Rigor, Relevance, and Engagement workshop sponsored by OU. IMS teachers working to Prepare Champions for Life!

Stephanie Armstong, Annette Azlin, and Laura Bullock calculating student growth and achievement for 2019.

2 teams of 21st Cent. ABC playing Pictionary with Idioms at middle school.