Welcome to our new paraprofessional Chyan Billington.
over 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
Ms. Billington
IMS students enjoying a nutritious lunch.
over 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
Mr. Jones 8th Grade Science class using Authentic Learning to learn about Matter and It’s Interactions.
over 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
Jeff Jones
Sandwiches, veggies and fruit as a snack for our IMS softball team!
over 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
Mr Logan’s class discussing world economics and tariffs.
over 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
Mrs. Johnson’s class learning about defending an answers with documentation of text.
over 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
Review of exponents and calculator use in 8th grade math.
over 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
8th math
Algebra 1 begins in Mrs. Armstrong’s class.
over 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
Great learning in Mr Weatherford’s class
over 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
IMS rocks the first day of school!
over 5 years ago, Cindy Bryant
IMS ROCKS the first day of school!
IMS Cheerleaders are here to welcome you back!!!
over 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
All IMS students should report to MS in the morning. Those taking class at HS will being on Tuesday. See you tomorrow. Go Warriors!
over 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
Idabel Middle School faculty and staff are committed to our students becoming Champions for Life. This is what has happened so far with Gear Up for Success and there is much more to come.
over 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
Gear Up
MS and HS receiving great PD on active learning.
over 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
Quantum Learning
Choctaw Nation is hosting shot clinic now for students needing Tdap vaccination.
over 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
Choctaw Nation
IMS Teachers are in the classroom again today learning new ways to help our students be Champions. Thanks teachers for your dedication! GO WARRIORS!
over 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
IMS Open House is tonight at 5:00. We are looking forward to seeing you!
over 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
Laura Bullock and Sarah Tomlinson present aboutProcedures and Rules for secondary teachers during professional development at IMS.
over 5 years ago, Cindy Bryant
Laura Bullock and Sarah Tomlinson discuss Procedures and Rules for secondary teachers during professional development sessions at IMS.
The Choctaw Nation will be at IMS offering immunizations to students during our Back to School Night on Thurs, Aug 8 from 5-8 p.m.
over 5 years ago, Cindy Bryant
Reminder - Reserved Seating Tickets for Football are available $125.00. VIP Parking $25.00. Contact Laura Bullock at IMS.
over 5 years ago, Laura Bullock