IMS is ready for the book fair!
over 5 years ago, Julie Parnell
IMS Book Fair is set up!
A special thank you message from Superintendent Doug Brown. #nextlevel #preparingchampions #GOWARRIORS
over 5 years ago, Doug Brown
Thanksgiving Attendance Letter 2019
When students improve their attendance rates, they improve their academic prospects and chances for graduating. #ipswarriors #attendancematters #nextlevel #preparingchampions #GOWARRIORS
over 5 years ago, Doug Brown
Attendance matters 1
Being in school all day, every day, helps student get the most out of middle school. Students need to be present to hear teachers explain concepts, participate in discussions, and ask questions. #attendancematters #imswarriors
over 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
#ipswarriors is in need of a Principal's Secretary at Idabel Central Elementary. Must be able to work with several different computer software applications and multitask. #nextlevel #preparingchampions #GOWARRIORS
over 5 years ago, Doug Brown
Job Posting Central Secretary 2019
CONGRATULATIONS! These #ihswarriors choir students made through the first round of All State auditions on Saturday. A great group of talented kids and director! Round 1 conquered on to Round 2! #nextlevel #preparingchampions #GOWARRIORS
over 5 years ago, Doug Brown
#ihswarriors All State round 1 2019
Congratualations to these #imswarriors choir students! Round 1 conquered now on to Round 2! #nextlevel #preparingchampions #GOWARRIORS
over 5 years ago, Doug Brown
Good luck to all of the #ipswarriors Choir students traveling to first round All-State auditions! And the band students traveling to all district auditions. #nextlevel #preparingchampions #GOWARRIORS
over 5 years ago, Doug Brown
IMS Principal, Laura Bullock, leads by example! Thank you Mrs. Bullock for sharing your knowledge of history and geography with the Time Trekkers Book Club Members. #nextlevel #preparingchampions #GOWARRIORS
over 5 years ago, Doug Brown
Lbullock teaching 2019
IMS Principal, Laura Bullock, leads by example! Thank you Mrs. Bullock for sharing your knowledge of history and geography with the Time Trekkers Book Club Members.
over 5 years ago, Julie Parnell
IMS Principal, Laura Bullock, leading the Time Trekkers Book Club Meeting.
Love the costumes!
over 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
IMS Dance is underway!
over 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
Superhero day
over 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
Red Ribbon Super Hero Day
over 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
Pumpkin decorating contest
over 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
Pumpkin decorating contest
over 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
Pumpkin decorating contest
over 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
It’s melting
Pumpkin decorating entry
over 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
Eye on you
Pumpkin decorating entry
over 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
Go Warriors
Great entries for the IMS pumpkin 🎃 decorating contest.
over 5 years ago, Laura Bullock
Warrior spirit