Santa 🎅 is rocking the house at #imswarrior Santa Showcase

Please join #imswarriors for our annual Santa Showcase tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM, admission is $2.00.

A BIG thank you to Youth Services #ys4cpm, @ys4cpm for providing gifts to an #ismwarrior Christmas Angel. Also thanks to Hugo Public Library for providing a family Christmas tree. #ipswarriors are Greatful!

#ThrowbackThursday -2018 Ugly Sweater Day 2018. Join in the fun again tomorrow

Thank you Mr and Mrs Bell, Mrs. Clay and our IMS students for a great concert.tonight.

#imswarriors Advanced Band brings the Christmas spirit at tonight’s Middle school Christmas program. The future of the Warrior fine arts program looks bright! #nextlevel #preparingchampions #GOWARRIORS

#imswarriors Beginning Band showing off at tonight’s Christmas Program. #nextlevel #preparingchampions #GOWARRIORS

Enjoying the #imswarriors Christmas Program tonight. Some great talent at Idabel Middle School. #nextlevel #preparingchampions #GOWARRIORS

The IMS Band and Choir Concert begins NOW!

Congratulations to Sterrette Coffman for winning the trip to Ron Clark Academy from IMS.

Mr. Austin, Dr. Bryant and Mrs. Bullock had a great learning experience with Edmentum.

8th grade girls basketball leads Hugo 11 to 3 after Damaya Hunt scores 2.

IMS 7th grade girls and boys basketball 🏀 won their games against Hugo. #GoWarriors,#imswarriors

#imswarriors 7/8 Quiz Bowl Regional Runner-Up #Go Warriors

#AttendanceMatters everyday and this week the #imswarriors will begin benchmark testing on Tuesday. Please make every effort to be here and be on time.
#GO Warriors, #ipswarriors

Cordavious Hankins wins the 3 point contest!

IMS Sock Hop- to end a great week and kick off Thanksgiving break

The IMS 6th grade boys win! Go Warriors!

Christian Smith score a free throw at the IMS vs Forest Grove sixth grade game. IMS 5, FG 1

More photos from the IMS Archery trip to Bevers Bend on 11-18-19.