❤️🖤Idabel Middle School Student Council is hosting a Tic Tac Toe scramble during the IMS pep assembly on Thursday October 10th. Teams consisting of 5 players each will go up against another team trying to complete their tic tac toe square.🖤❤️
🏅Warrior souvenirs, candy and 1st place award will be given🏅
🏀How to play: Shoot a basketball & make it, you get an X, or O if you'd rather. First team to complete the square WINS!! First 4 teams of 5 to get Ms. Stone $15 ($3 a player) is entered to play.🏀

IMS StuCo will have a bake sale during school on Wednesday!l to help offset the cost of the Halloween Dance!

Manit Day is a holiday, observed in the Republic of Marshall Islands. Also known as culture day, this holiday celebrates the arts, history, and poetry of the islands. Today, Idabel celebrated our own Manit Day, with Melanie. Kilo leading a number of our students to celebrate the rich culture of their homeland.

Mrs. Carrie Fletcher - Director of the 21st Century after school program - spoke at Kiwanis Club yesterday about the program and her ideas for Lights On Idabel! Be watching our Facebook for more details for the Oct. 24th event!

Corn-hole Competition today with the After School Program!

‼️IMS Hoco Dress Up days! ‼️

Happy September birthdays to Mrs. Threadgill, Mr. Willis, and Mrs. Tolliver!
We had cake, but since one was home sick and the other off campus, we did the responsible thing and ate their share for them!

See You At The Pole 2024
Thank you to Miss IMS Emalyn Purcell and StuCo President Harper McElroy for leading the group in a background, Devo, and Prayer for S.Y.A.T.P.
Go Warriors! ❤️🖤

See you at the Pole tomorrow at 7:30!

Middle School Pre-order! Scan the QR code to order your lunch.

IMS is at Professional Development this morning!

Katie McClure won Grand Champion Broiler at the Ark-Okla State Fair! This is the first time in school history this has been done. Congrats Katie!

And with that, the 2024 IMS Softball Season comes to a close.
Go Warriors!

IMS also had a few IHS FCCLA visitors delivering Tea.

We went mobile today! IMS Cheer appreciates all our teachers and administration do for our schools!
Go Warriors! ❤️🖤

Congratulations to our eighth grade FFA class. They placed second in the creed contest at yesterday's competition!
I believe in the future of agriculture...

Happy Constitution Day!

Our 6th grade basketball boys' team won game 1 of the Silo Tournament 29-15. They play tomorrow at 5! (And of course the traveling fan club had to come out and support!)
Go Warriors! ❤️🖤

Attention IMS Parents!

Reminder that IMS will be dismissing from the High School today. Please plan accordingly!