Super excited to get our interactive tv installed today. This will provide additional opportunities for students and staff. #imswarriors, # GoWarriors
almost 4 years ago, Laura Bullock
IMS begins state testing today. All the hard work our teachers and students have been doing all year will give students the opportunity to do well. I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!!! GO IMS WARRIORS!!!
almost 4 years ago, Laura Bullock
Advanced Band on stage playing Star Wars. So proud of our students.
almost 4 years ago, Laura Bullock
abs b
adv b 2
IMS Beginning Band in concert A great beginning for years to come!!!
almost 4 years ago, Laura Bullock
beginning 1
Coach Clay informed us we will not have a MS Baseball game tomorrow.⚾️
almost 4 years ago, Laura Bullock
IMS Choir is practicing for the concert on April 29th at Idabel High School Auditorium . You don’t want to miss this!!!! It’s going to be AWESOME!
almost 4 years ago, Laura Bullock
choir 2
choir 3
IMS Hispanic Club is working on our courtyard flower beds.
almost 4 years ago, Laura Bullock
No School Friday #imswarriors
almost 4 years ago, Laura Bullock
No School
The Middle School Baseball game has been CHANGED. It will be played in Broken Bow at 5:30 PM. The bus will be at middle school to pick up the baseball players at 3:45. Please make plans to support our team on the field in Broken Bow. #GOWARRIORS, #imswarriors
almost 4 years ago, Laura Bullock
After two great days at track meets, our students are taking responsibility for getting their work done. I love responsibility! #GoWarrios, #imswarriors
almost 4 years ago, Laura Bullock
Teachers are studying even on spring break. #GoWarriors #imswarriors
almost 4 years ago, Laura Bullock
A BIG thank you to Keystone Food Service for providing meals for our students during spring break. I am so proud of #imswarriors for their hard work in getting the meals ready for distribution. Everyone enjoy the break!
about 4 years ago, Laura Bullock
meal boxed
IMS YAB students assist students at Primary South as they receive their food boxes for Spring Break.
about 4 years ago, Cindy Bryant
IMS YAB students assist students at Primary South as they receive their food boxes for Spring Break
Congratulations to Idabel Middle School’s 2021 Shamrock Queen, Kaliyah Golston!
about 4 years ago, Cindy Bryant
Congratulations to Idabel Middle School’s 2021 Shamrock Queen, Kaliyah Golston!
IMS will have a “send off” for our students participating in the County Curriculum Contest and the Powerlifting Team going to State competition. Wear your Red and Black tomorrow. Let’s show our WARRIOR spirit! Our send off will be at approximately 12:00. Parents are welcome to join us. ❤️🖤❤️🖤 Go Warriors!
about 4 years ago, Laura Bullock
Pi Day Celebration
about 4 years ago, Laura Bullock
IMS Teacher for March, Callie Bryant and IMS Teacher of the Year, Stephanie Armstrong were recognized at the Idabel Board meeting tonight. Miss Bryant is the 6th grade math teacher. She joined the IMS team about 3 weeks after school began. She quickly established and implemented a plan to keep our sixth graders on track for the year. She has done an outstanding job. Callie also serves in the Oklahoma Army National Guard. Recently, when called for duty during the snow storm, Callie was in a serious wreck. She has bumps, bruises, and a broken thumb but is back teaching her students. Stephanie Armstrong is the IMS Teacher of the Year. This is her 28th year of teaching with 26 of those years at Idabel. Mrs. Armstrong has served in multiple teaching positions and currently teaches 8th grade math and Algebra I. She has also served as a coach for basketball, softball, and track. Mrs. Armstrong is the sponsor of the IMS STEM team. She loves making math reliant and using projects to teach concepts. We are proud of both of these ladies and the job they are doing for our students.
about 4 years ago, Laura Bullock
board recognition
Some amazing #imswarriors getting some ink! #ipswarriors #preparingchampions #GOWARRIORS!
about 4 years ago, Doug Brown
ims honor students 2021
Language Arts Department at IMS meeting for Curriculum planning
about 4 years ago, Laura Bullock
IMS Math staff work on RCD (Rigorous Curriculum Design).
about 4 years ago, Cindy Bryant
IMS Math Staff work together on RCD (Rigorous Curriculum Design).