Our first home track meet is next week!
Come support our students.
#imswarriors ❤️🖤

The track meet scheduled for March 24 has been rescheduled for April 6th.

Good Luck today!!!

Thank you to Vickie Migliaccio and Allie Evans for the beautiful flowers. It was a wonderful surprise! It's is nice to be appreciated.

The Time Trekkers read historical fiction and visit the historical sites. Please help them with their fundraiser for this year's trip.
#imswarriors #ipswarriors

Come support the IMS Warriors!
#imswarriors #ipswarriors

Special Olympics had their Tack Meet in Broken Bow yesterday. We are excited to announce IMS winners.
Middle School Track Meet results
Sadie Allen 50 m run 1st, Softball throw 1st
Eli Byassee 50m run 3rd, Softball throw 1st
Great Job! GOWARRIORS!!!
#imswarriors #iiswarriors

Let's Play Ball⚾️
#imswarriors #iiswarriors


IMS Champion Voices had several students recognized at the Board of Education meeting. These students were selected for OKCDA Junior High All-State, OKMEA Children All-State. They are directed by Leah Saelim and Joshua Brown.
#imswarriors #ipswarriors

ALL #ipswarriors sites will extend the 2023 SPRING BREAK this Friday, March 10, 2023. There will be NO SCHOOL Friday, March 10. #GOWARRIORS

A Princess Party is coming... Get out your Princess Dress ready!


IMS Golf ⛳️

#imswarriors golf represents at the Durant MS tournament in Atoka today. Thanks Coach Harjo for making sure they got there. #ipswarriors #preparingchampions #GOWARRIORS

#imswarriors #ipswarriors

Join us to celebrate Black History Month.

IMS will celebrate Read Across America next week. Join us on Dress Up Days!
We will have students reading to our elementary sites and each other.
#lovereading #imswarriors

March Events
#imswarriors #ipswarriors

The FFA students are doing a great job. We appreciate their leaders as well.
#GoWarriors #imswarriors