Congratulations Bethany Farley on being named this months “Teacher of the Month.” Tonight she was recognized by board of education!
over 6 years ago, Idabel High School
Teacher of the month
Due to the weather and a great chance of severe weather today Valliant and Idabel has agreed to cancel today’s middle school football game.
over 6 years ago, Idabel High School
It's a great day to be a Warrior!! We have 25 IHS students who made the 2018 Southeastern Oklahoma All District Honor Choir!!
over 6 years ago, Idabel High School
Great turnout this morning for See You at the Pole 2018. 👍🏼🙏🏼🇺🇸
over 6 years ago, Idabel High School
Key Club members need to come by the library and pick up bows to sell for $10. Money is due Friday. $1 decals are available also.
over 6 years ago, IHS Key Club
Purple bow
Key Club meeting today! If you’re in Key Club and you missed the meeting, stop by the library for info on what’s happening! 🗝
over 6 years ago, Idabel High School
Key club meeting
Warrior Fan shirts are available at the high school now.
over 6 years ago, IHS Yearbook
Warrior Fan Shirt
Congratulations to Lilly Anna Van Gaal who won Grand and Reserve Champion Breeding ewes and won the lightweight doe class and made the sale. Anna Bolen won Champion county bred sheep and Champion AOB. Autumn Bolen had the Reserve County Bred sheep and both Anna and Autumn were selected as the Jr. And Sr. Showmanship winners. Steers and pigs show tomorrow!!!
over 6 years ago, Idabel High School
Idabel FFA
Idabel FFA
Idabel FFA
Idabel FFA
Mrs. Ramsey’s Human Anatomy class made Epithelial Tissue Models out of Modeling Clay. This project will be on display in the IHS Library.
over 6 years ago, Idabel High School
Mrs. Ramsey’s Class
Today's softball game has been cancelled due to rain.
over 6 years ago, Idabel High School
Open House/Orientation is tonight at IHS from 6-8 PM. Hope to see you all there.
over 6 years ago, Idabel High School
Staff reports back 3 weeks from today!! Can’t wait to see you guys August 8th!!
over 6 years ago, Idabel High School
Sports Banquet Monday
almost 7 years ago, Idabel High School
Senior Special until June. Get 4 years 2015-2018 for $60
almost 7 years ago, IHS Yearbook
Get your yearbooks today! If you didn’t order you can purchase for $40
almost 7 years ago, IHS Yearbook
Graduation is getting close! All the seniors signed their banner which will be displayed during graduation commencement.
almost 7 years ago, IHS Library
Guess what arrived today! Our 2018 Tushka Yearbook! We will start giving them out Monday!
almost 7 years ago, IHS Yearbook
Miss Farley and crew are modeling a few of the accessories that will be used for photos at the Prom this weekend!
almost 7 years ago, IHS Yearbook
Idabel FFA is working hard to make sure our flowerbeds look amazing this weekend!
almost 7 years ago, Idabel High School
Another great day to be a warrior. These kids are all going to state in curriculum. Great job Coach Becky Shaw and great job Warriors.
almost 7 years ago, Idabel High School